Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A still from my most recent animated short. It's going to be a music video for the song "Form and Color" by local band The Thoughts.

This segement of the video was inspired by an Anselm Kiefer painting and a sculpture I saw earlier this year by Ron van der Ende.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Work from the Gallery 40 Show!

Tiger Lily
clay, wood, wax and feathers
8" x 14" x 3"

To Build a House a Home
cast wax

Buffalo Trace
paper, pin and tape

A Little Plot of Land
porcelain, wood and moss
43" x 3" x 3"


clay, wax and brick

Smith Cove/Terminal91

found objects
2" x 4" 2"

This is where I come from, this is my home
sand, tar paper, found rock
13" x 4" x 9"


clay and wax
6" x 4" x 2"

A few pictures and words from Erin Shafkind about the Gallery 40 show!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I'll be showing some new sculptures this Saturday night at the Georgetown Art Attack with Gallery 40. There are a lot of other great shows going on that night including photos by Robin Crookall.